Someone very wise once said something along the lines of "There are only two certainties in life. Death & Taxes!" I think it was that Churchill fella. He's absolutely right too. No matter how long you try to put paying your taxes off, they will always catch up with you.
Business owners are quite prone to procrastinate with preparing their BAS and some wage earners can be quite lax with lodging their individual tax returns too, particularly if you know there's a bill coming. No one likes parting with their hard earned cash, however, we all get a sense of satisfaction when we get on top of our bills and those things on our "to do" list!
The Australian Tax Office has been cracking down on these businesses and individuals who have been sitting on their tasks lately. Maybe the government does need some extra cash so they're chasing up their debtors, however this means one thing for you if you've been putting it off.
In the infamous words of that shoe brand - Just do it. Its like ripping off a band aid, the anticipation is probably worse than the event, so just make an appointment with one of our expert tax agents and we will hold your hand through the whole event!
With some of our technololgies like Banklink and Xero, we can even make it as quick and easy as ripping off a band aid too so you needn't worry about it in the future.
The ATO knows that you're procrastinating, they're like big brother, so just get it over and done with.
Call us and make an appointment today!
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