BankLink Notes Mobile can be accessed from your Android or Apple devices making it easier for you to complete your coding for your favourite people – us!
To get started, we simply set your BankLink account to be used online. If you have not used BankLink Notes Online before, you will receive a username and temporary password. You will also receive an email with a link when you have data to code. Simply open this second email on your mobile device, save the application to your homepage (there is an option to do this down the bottom of the screen) and sign in like you would normally with Notes Online.
You can access all of your uncoded data, type narrations and send it back to us all from your mobile phone or tablet.
This application does require an internet connection and it will let you know if your connection drops out. This is because, like BankLink Notes Online, it uses the cloud to access and send data.
If your business is utilizing mobile technology, or you have a tablet instead of a computer, this is a fantastic option for you.
If you would like further information on using BankLink Notes Mobile, please contact our office.
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