Herald Sun | Citylink Run for the Kids 2012
Some would say that working a 5 day week is a marathon but I say why stop on the weekends! I have recently signed myself up to do the Run for the Kids Marathon. I have 66 Days left of training before hopefully completing the run. Call me crazy, however I enjoy the challenge I will be faced with.
Last year I completed a 42km Walking/Pushing a Wheelchair Marathon which raised funds for the Swan Hill ECU bus. This year I'm upping the pace and doing my first 15km running Marathon. The Run for the Kids Marathon raises funds for the Good Friday Appeal, Royal Children's Hospital.
The Run for the Kids Marathon takes place on Sunday24th of March. I will start and end my 15km journey in the Kings Domain. During the run I will be faced with running through the Domain Tunnel, along the West Gate Freeway, over the Bolte Bridge and through the CBD.
If you would like to donate to me and help out the Royal Children's Hospital please CLICK HERE. Don't forget any donation over $2 you make is Tax deductable ;)
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