In a country town like Swan Hill, footy and netball is an important feature in the community. Weekend sport plays a huge part in work life balance for a lot of us. Work life balance describes the relationship between your work and the commitments in the rest of your life, and how they impact on one another.
For me, mid week netball is where it is at! Playing mid week has been such a great way to meet some new people, have a run around and a laugh with friends. Being undefeated and on top of the ladder is just an added bonus!
I haven't played a game of netball in six years so I'm much more comfortable getting back into it in an environment that is not so serious. I am playing in the Women's competition so we play Wednesday nights at the Basketball Stadium. It is fun, flexible and friendly and a great way to get back into fitness. Plus, it's indoors so no risk of those horrible weather conditions like rain and being frozen.
Go Tiges!
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