The Fair Work Commission has recently announced an increase of 2.4% to the National Minimum Wage. The 2.4% increase will be payable from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2016.
If you are an employer, the award that you use will be updated to reflect the new rate of pay – the update to your award should occur during June. We advise all employers to obtain the updated award - in particular, the rates of pay - to ensure you are compliant for the new financial year.
Employers should review other employment obligations such as superannuation (i.e. setup of the superannuation clearing house), WorkCover, Co-Invest and Payroll Tax to make sure you are compliant from 1 st
July 2016.
Should you require assistance with any of your employment obligations, please give us a call at the office on (03) 5032 9422.
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