GMG has been supporting and participating in the Relay for Life since the event began in Swan Hill many years ago. As most people are aware Relay for Life is a team event dedicated to raising funds for cancer research. Every October, in rain hail or shine, teams get together to walk around the Tyntynder oval for 24 hours, not only to support cancer research but to celebrate and remember the lives of those who have battled cancer.
We fundraise for Relay for Life during the year through a number of different ways. $1 chocolates is always popular, with every member of staff given a box of chocolates to sell, or in most cases to buy and leave at home for the family. I bought the box and gave it to my mother and father in law for their Easter present, it was a big hit. I'm looking forward to a good Easter present next year!
This year we also tried selling for the first time Billy G's Cookie Dough. We sold 80 tubs all up, and are hoping that if people come back for seconds we can make it one of our annual fundraisers.
Over the year we also create social events for the firm that also incorporate some form of fundraising. Previously we have held cocktail parties where we set a price on the drinks. Our most successful event was a cocktail party at Geoff Hinton's where we also held a mystery goods and services auction. Prior to the night everyone was asked to donate or re-gift something, and we wrapped them up in boxes and auctioned them off. This year we held a Poker night at Rick Pickering's and Rick came out with a box of golf balls and asked everyone to donate $10, and whoever could hit the ball the furthest got half the money and the other half was for Relay for Life.
We have held mystery bus trips, ten pin bowling nights, 10kg chocolate block raffles. We will continue to create as many social and fundraising events as we can to raise money for this great cause.
Once again on the 19th & 20th of October the GMG 'Number Nerds' will be there to support the event.
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