Restart $10,000 Government Wage Subsidies
If you are employing or looking to employ mature aged staff on a full time or permanent part time basis you may be eligible for government assistance of up to $10,000 over a two year period.
The restart program is designed to deliver support to employers who employ mature age job seekers being 50 years of age and over and at the same time will assist mature age job seekers to re-enter the workforce.
In light of Australia's ageing population and the need to become a more productive nation, the contribution of older workers is becoming more crucial to the workplace. When older Australians lose their jobs, they remain unemployed for a much longer period than younger job seekers often because they face significant barriers to finding work.
Restart has been funded for $524.8 million over four years is expected to encourage business owners to give mature workers a chance.
An eligible job seeker is someone who:
Newstart Allowance; Parenting Payment; Disability Support Pension; Bereavement Allowance; Widow Allowance; Carer Payment; Special Benefit; Partner Service Pensioners; War Widows; Age Pension; Mature Age Partner Allowance; Wife Pension; Widows B Pension;
How to get started
Applications for restart wage subsidy can now be accessed online by visiting
Job Seekers
Job seekers can register with job agencies who are registered providers of the program. To find a provider in your area visit
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