Are you frustrated by the returns that your Superannuation has been getting in recent years??
Have you ever wondered who make the decisions on how your retirement fund is invested??
Did you know that you can take control and make your own decisions??
More and more people are now turning to Self Managed Superannuation Funds. You take control and invest for YOUR retirement the way YOU want to. This can even be as simple as leaving all your money in Bank Deposits if you don't like the risk of your fund balance going backwards, or you can invest in shares or even a rental property.
The other common misconception is that you need to be in your own business or have millions of dollars to have a SMSF, this couldn't be any further from the truth. Almost anyone can switch to a SMSF if they wish.
If this sounds like something that you might consider, then why not contact us at GMG Financial Group for an appointment and we can discuss your situation in more detail and get you the necessary financial advice you require to make the decisions about how to best invest your Super.
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