As kids we always looked forward to Christmas: all the cool stuff we would get, all the great food we could eat and lots of time to just enjoy life and have fun since school was out.
These memories are imprinted into our mind and are revived every year with the sounds and sights of the holiday season. It's a special time of year, one in which we celebrate and connect with those closest to us.
As adults, having time away from the workplace at Christmas provides a well earned rest and a fresh start to the New Year. It gives us an opportunity to recharge our batteries and return to work with fresh eyes and a rejuvenated attitude.
It can be a time of reflection and setting of 'New Year's resolutions'; taking time away can help provide a sense of perspective and an opportunity for self-evaluation and also a chance to take some time to set goals for the year ahead.
So, listen to your inner child … Enjoy the festive season & a well earned rest.
From everyone here at GMG Accounting, we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year.
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