Last week I attended a Reckon training course and conference in Melbourne.
We covered many features currently available and also learned about some new features and programs Reckon is planning to release in the near future.
Did you know you can process credit card payments through Reckon Accounts?
If you don't have a credit card machine, the credit card payment can be processed through PayPal. All you need is an internet merchant account to subscribe to this service.
You can also process superannuation payment for your employees using SuperLink. SuperLink gives you the option of processing and paying superannuation contributions for all your employees, eliminating the need to process and pay to multiple funds.
Reckon Hosted (commonly known as Quickbooks Online) is receiving an update soon. This should provide easier connection and faster processing time. An option will also be provided if your internet connection is slow.
Two new products to be released soon are Reckon One and Reckon Pay.
Reckon One will be an simple online accounting program, where users are able to select which modules they need (eg payroll and invoices) and at what level or choice a package with a preselected range of modules. Live bank feeds are also available to cut down on processing times.
Reckon Pay is another way of receiving and processing payments, but this time whilst working out in the field.
You will be able to purchase hardware (similar to a small EFTPOS machine) which will connect to their mobile phone or tablet. Once you have downloaded the app, you will be able to process credit card or EFTPOS payment instantly. If using Reckon One, this information will then integrate into the software.
If you would like any further information or assistance with the Reckon product range available please contact us.
There have been many changes to the program, with each update, and you may find some features that will make the processing and reporting work better for your business.
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