Spoons on a Friday afternoon may never be the same!
Andy Millar was celebrating the end of his role as a partner in GMG accounting, with fellow partners, on his last day of full time work, when he was flash mobbed
He has been in public practice for 41 years, 34 of them as a principal in Swan Hill. Not one for ceremony, he was enjoying a celebratory afternoon tea with his partners when he was flash mobbed, by staff, with a version of an old favourite, rejigged as the "Andy Man". Check it out
Andy said it was "one of the moments of my career"
The Andy man's career continues though, his new role is a senior consultant with the firm, on a part time basis, specialising in superannuation, retirement, succession, auditing and associated issues
"The Andy man can
Cause he mixes fun with work
And makes us all feel good "
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